The prime objective that drives I-TECH to offer reliable staffing solutions stems from the need to spot elite workers that possess the required skills and knowledge that in turn make the qualified workers a perfect fit for their position. We at I-TECH are aware that in a fast-paced world, staffing needs of our clientele tend to change with each passing minute. We are ever ready to meet the challenges day in and day out by getting geared to face the stiff challenges.

We anticipate the needs and requirements of our clientele

We recruit highly efficient candidates

We provide round-the-clock access to Hiring Managers, Support Staff and Account Managers

  • The secret behind our success lies in our approach to meet the demands of our partners by maintaining a ready and rich pool of candidates. Our system of resource pool has at any moment 1000 to 1500 candidates that are ready to join an elite workforce. These are candidates who have been thoroughly vetted, where they have undergone extensive training, testing, and even gone through security checks that confirm their credentials.

  • Our inherent ability to keep our resource pool rich with potential candidates of such large numbers is made possible by the constant hiring process adopted by I-TECH. On a regular basis, our hunt for right candidates continues in full swing and it gives us the opportunity to gauge the expertise of an applicant, as well as their reliability and conformability. Our constant hiring process that aids us select the best candidates has come good in the hour of need, as it has paved way for permanent placements on more occasions. The hiring process at I-TECH gratifies all the legal and other requirements, done on behalf of the partners, which ensures that the applicants match the needed criteria.

  • The hiring system at I-TECH leaves nothing to chance, as we embrace a step-by-step procedure to evaluate the potentials of a candidate, and this tried and tested method has helped us spot the best talent that fit into the roles of many organizations.

  • The recruiting process at I-TECH starts with a thorough understanding of the unique needs and expectations of our esteemed clients. Though a job description related to a specific role throws light on the basic requirements, the hiring manager at I-TECH will make use of his acquired acumen to gauge the skill sets and other qualifications required of an individual to fit well into this position. Our experience and expertise to hire from local community as well as from bilingual communities has made us stand apart from our competitors.

  • With the initial telephone conversation, pre-screening process at I-Tech gets underway. The highly trained and well-equipped hiring managers conduct a pre-screening test for each of the applicants, which get done to measure the experience, attitude, qualification, determination and motivation of the applicant to gain employment. When the applicant finds the nod of approval from the hiring managers in the pre-screening stage, an interview gets scheduled for the applicant as the application process gets initiated.

    When the applicant steps into our office, a comprehensive application is provided to the applicant. This application is put to use to procure information of various sorts, as that of previous experience, skill sets that the candidate is strong in, and other relevant information related to employment. In this section of hiring process, the hiring manager assesses the applicant for some important traits that take the form of organizational skills, professionalism and attitude, which become the needed prerequisite to fare well as a part of the workforce in an organization.

  • The applicant who comes out of the pre-screening stage in flying colors is then taken through rigorous process of interviews as well as testing. In this round of hiring process, the hiring managers at I-TECH has a series of questions for the applicant, which is done to unearth vital information regarding the skill level, employment history, experience and other employment related details of the applicant. The experienced hiring managers at I-TECH also make sure to find out the undesirable traits that may be lurking inside the candidate. The candidates who fail in this test, and who are gauged to be unproductive, unreliable and who only possess undesirable traits get disqualified, and needless to say, don’t get qualified to serve our client’s organization. Applicants who come out in flying colors after the interview stage will get taken through additional assessments, which solely depend on the available positions.

  • As per the client’s indication on the needed skill sets for a specific role, applicants are taken through further assessments to make sure that they match the exact requirements to don the specific role. Assessments take various forms, as that includes the Reading for Information, Applied Mathematics, Electrical Circuits, Locating Information, Tape Measures and HVAC.

  • The credentials of the candidates are then checked for genuineness and for making sure that they are considered valid with that of the issuer.

  • Candidates who pass the interviewing stage are also tested for their computer skills. We at I-TECH make use of ‘PROVE IT’ to gauge the computer skills of a candidate and to know if they match the minimum requirements needed for the role that they are selected to play. Candidates are taken through different computer applications test, which may encompass Call Center, Basic Office Skills, Microsoft Office Application, Payroll and Data Entry 10-Key, among the other tests.

  • As the final testing round, I-TECH conducts the screening process to perform drug screening and background checks. Candidates who pass all the earlier tests and interviews and who are ready to be placed in our client’s organization get screened as that depends on the requirements related to the position that they have been selected for. Minimum screening procedures include Drug Screening, and Driver’s License Verification, Employment Verification, and Local Criminal Background Check.

  • When potential candidates get shortlisted to don a specific role in our client’s organization, we make sure that they taste success in their career. This is done by way of a hiring orientation provided by I-TECH, which deals with the policies of the client and I-TECH, as well as with the expectations, procedures, requirements and other information required for the role to be played in an organization. By keeping the employees well informed on the expectations for a specific role, and guiding them to experience success in this role, I-TECH makes sure that the candidates attain success through their placements.

  • Safety is vital to the success of any organization and this is especially true to the staffing industry. That is why we take it very seriously by providing safety training to all of our employees before they leave our office to work at our client’s worksite. We have on-site safety managers who continually review our safety practices and make the proper adjustments when needed.

    As a collaborative effort with our partners and clients, we will often take tours of locations where our employees work in order to identify potential hazards and resolve them before they causes any harms. This has significantly reduced the injury rates since its implementation.

  • Our role doesn’t end up with just the placements, as we are also keen to know how the aspirants perform in their new roles. This is done through the follow-up process, where we carry out an examination with the clients and the employees after each of the placements that get done. This is done to make sure that the employees are donning their roles to perfection and to iron out questions or concerns before they get converted into problems. Issues, if any, in the process get addressed without delay. This is performed to fall in line with the changing requirements of our clients as well as assigned personnel, which in turn gets done to make sure that the employee remains motivated and gives out the best in him to register top notch performances.

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